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Lightning Nodes
BTCPay Servers
Maintenance has completed successfully
Maintenance is now in progress
We are performing scheduled maintenance on our Nodes platform. During this time the system will be briefly put into maintenance mode which disables any actions on nodes (stop, start, create, delete, update). No node downtime is expected.
This incident has been resolved.
We are currently investigating connection issues with our backing database. This may cause the application to load incorrectly.
There will be an upgrade performed on the Surge database, enabling new features and optimizations.
We are performing scheduled maintenance on all BTCPay Server instances. During this time the servers will be offline. The BTCPay servers will also be updated to the latest version during this maintenance.
We are planning for a scheduled maintenance of our Surge database. This will be a short maintenance period where the underlying Surge database will be unavailable as some new configuration takes affect.
In the course of the maintenance work this morning, we identified that some surge data (especially the time series data) is not being displayed correctly. We are currently investigating this issue.
We are planning for a scheduled upgrade of our production Surge database. This will enable a more performant experience for our users. All agents will continue to run. Metric processing will be paused during the window and continued once maintenance is complete.
Maintenance has completed successfully.
We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time to update our BTCPay Server.
This has been resolved
Mar 2023 to May 2023